At Park Dentistry, we take a holistic and integrated approach to the provision of care. In addition to offering a comprehensive range of dental services, Dr. Park understands the complex role that oral and facial anatomy plays in respiratory function. Dedicated to improving smiles and advancing wellness, she offers skilled care in support of optimal airway health and breathing. In addition to being trained to assess airway health, she provides the treatment required to alleviate the symptoms associated with obstructive sleep apnea, snoring, and other issues.
Considering the profound impact that airway health has on all aspects of wellness, function, and quality of life, Dr. Park routinely evaluates the development of the jaws, teeth, face, tongue, lips, and surrounding anatomy. If any signs or symptoms of myofunctional disorders, obstructed sleep apnea, or snoring are present, Dr. Park provides patients with the guidance and care required to improve airway function.